Monday, 17 February 2025

Love Is For Suckers {2025 Week #7}

I had very shifting moods this week. Hot and cold. Totally powerless and apathetic and literally filled with ambition a few hours later. I haven't done much outside, we went to the recyclerie once but there was nothing good again. I did figure out how to get manga on my Kindle finally though. Now I can finally read them without burning my eyes out. Phone screens really wear me out.

I made Tonkatsu this Thursday for dinner for the first time because everyone was apparently sick of chicken. It turned out pretty good with the sauce and all. I kind of miss making little lunch boxes to take with me to class like I did about this time last year. 

More importantly, on Thursday I finally bought all the ingredients for my mum's birthday cake. Yes, her birthday is on Valentine's day. I never celebrated it because it was always her birthday for me. I do love the aesthetics of Valentine's something about the cheesiness and comfort of hearts, pink, red, and chocolates. 

On Friday it was her birthday, first she took a long bath with some trinkets my sister got her like a bath bomb and stuff. Then I made a big breakfast for everyone and my brother went out and bought pastries. Because everyone's sleeping schedules are shit, we all got sleepy at lunch time and took naps. After we started to prepare the house of guests and dinner. Every time we want to spend a birthday with just family we somehow end up having 10 people over. It's kind of annoying.

Anyway, I made the cake and through it in the fridge. It was a Mango White Chocolate Ripple Cheesecake and it turned out really well! Like a dumb ass I forgot to take pics of everything. Anyway, me and my mum prepared a nice shepherd's pie and we got a bunch of snacks and drinks ready. People started arriving at about 7 PM. It was pretty nice and all the food was awesome. However, the party started to really stretch into the night... I am a bit ashamed but I went upstairs and had a lie down. When one of the guests came looking for me I pretended to be asleep. So immature! But my social battery was completely flat.

The weekend was uneventful, we did finally order pizza on Sunday like we planned to for a while. We also re-watched Nanny Diaries, it's a pretty fun film and also the rich people in it are a very special kind of horrible. Before that we went for a walk over the town bridge closer to where the farms are. We also took the cats for a short walk closer to our house. It's getting warmer so we can go out with them more often soon. I've been super ditzy these past few weeks, short and bland posts, no photos, I'm going to try to do something more exciting next week. It's good for my own brain. 

This week, a sad and angsty banger from Avril Lavigne's second album Under My Skin. I saw her live once when I was like eleven and had a period where I thought I was too cool to listen to her so I'm happy to report that that time has passed. Here's Together:

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