Sunday, 16 March 2025

If We Don't Make It, Nothing Changes {2025 Week #10}

Hey. The tenth week has ended, we are in the double digits which means the year is truly on it's way and my life is still a total mess. On Monday I had a meeting with a really nice lady from InfoDroits and I explained my bank situation to her. She gave me a step by step plan for what to do next. I need to send a letter to the bank again and if that doesn't work, I'm going to have to contact a mediator that is a specialist in dealing with banks. If that too fails, its time for court. I really hope we don't have to go that far because the situation is dumb enough already and I'm too nervous to be in a setting like that. Couldn't be a criminal, too nervous. At home we played Alien Isolation, we are really getting through it slowly. My dad was really annoying and sat on his phone the entire time but that's just how he is. We watched Step Up 2, its a nostalgic movie for us. I know its not a good movie or anything but its just a lot of fun.

On Tuesday we went to a nearby town to our favourite Chinese buffet. I finally ordered the soup and it was awesome. Super tasty. Everyone had a pretty good time, we laughed about how terribly my brother put whipped cream on his dessert, it was the saddest looking thing Ive ever seen. After that we dropped by Easycash, a kind of pawn shop, to check in with what X-boxes they had. Now were thinking of getting a PS3 instead, who knows. I didn't find anything good but my sister bought a lamp that looks like a Minecraft potion.

Mum and dad stayed in the town and walked around and Monique drove us back. We stopped at her house to see if she had a DVD player because I needed one but she didn't. However, she let us have a look at a bunch of old tech she kept but doesn't need anymore. She let my sister have a flip phone and I took two camcorders and a analog camera. Sadly both camcorders were out of commission but I'm still hopeful I could do something to fix them. The analog camera is really cool but it uses irregular film and batteries so now I need to figure out where to get those. I have the same problem with the Konica.

On Wednesday mum and dad left to another town to buy some stuff for the house. We still have so much work to do around here and we haven't even started with the third floor. For some reason they bought me a collector's edition VHS set of the Star Wars trilogy. Cool? Yes, but now I need a VHS player too. While they were gone me, my sister, and brother played Minecraft on our server. In the evening we watched Aliens and as usual my dad sat through nearly all of it on his phone. Everyone's always dissing zoomers for being addicted to their phones but its really a mixed generations issue. 

Thursday, my mum and dad left early to catch his plane out of Bordeaux. Me, Mo, and Marta went to the Noz and Marta found herself some stuff. She was most excited about a Mandalorian Funko Pop. I am a Funk Pop hater so I would usually dissuade her but since he didn't have those beady eyes I let it slide. We bought a frozen pizza and put bacon on it. We finally watched the Ryan Gosling Blade Runner because Mo has been badgering us about it for literal years. It was fine. I can tell why its popular with "introspective" nerdy dudes mostly. And my brother likes it because it's really giving Ergo Proxy weirdness.

I was pretty good on Friday, read for once. Worked on a new microsite that I hope to introduce sometime in April. Prepared lunch. I feel like I'm going to have to abandon my visual novel plans this year, its just not coming along at all. We also re-watched Stick It, I am obsessed with that movie.

On Saturday me and my sister went to the second hand store nearby our house. She went to bed so late so she was grumpy when she first woke up. My brother too. She found herself a denim miniskirt that was cute and a beige coat. My brother got flowers and a chocolate for my mum and sister but I didn't want any. I kind of hate bouquets. They feel so wasteful. So anytime someone wants to get me one, I really would rather they get me anything else. A potted plant is way better. 

In the afternoon we met up with Tom and hung out at our town's park with some snacks. My sister and her friends went out too. When we started walking towards oour house I realized we forgot to take the spare keys! The worst. Luckily my sister is a genius so she hid them for us. We got it and had some tea and decided to watch a movie. We watched Barbie because Mo hadn't seen it yet. I realized only later that Barbie for Women's day was such a weak choice but I kind of didn't even notice we did that. Its a fun movie but dislike it if I'm honest. Verilybitchie had a good video about it and the shallow plastic feminism. 

It was fun with Tom though and he left about 8-ish. His mum called to make sure he was safe and he was annoyed that she was treating him like a kid. I remember one time when I was seventeen and I forgot to call her when we were out drinking. I come back half-sober at midnight and she was mad as hell. And I was like, I'm a grown ass person, stop treating me like a baby, blah blah blah... I was pretty immature. 

On Sunday me and Mo went to do our cleaning job. He vacuumed and I stayed for longer because I had to mop and wipe down like 10 big rooms. I also did all the toilet, sink, and tub cleaning. I used to mop an office and it felt way easier. I was exhausted when I got back. 

Everything feels like its going by so fast that I can barely catch a glimpse of it, never mind actually keeping up. Would be nice to have a normal brain that can be programmed to do the right thing, even if its not all the time. Well, that just isn't meant for me, I guess. Not like I believe in destiny or anything, but I'm just being realistic. I'm not made for greatness and most days it feels like a relief and not like a let down. 

If there aren't any pictures on this post as you're reading this, its because I'm still having issues with connecting my phone to the PC. If there are pics, ignore this! 

This week I could not stop listening to the entire OC albums list. I have actually been in love with these mixes before I ever thought to watch the show. So, I'm picking my fave song from all the songs put together. Paint the Silence by the South, so underrated, post-britpop masterpiece.

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