Sunday, 19 January 2025

If I Look Like A Mess, I Must Be A Mess {2025 Week #3}

Monday was crazy. We got a call that we had a bunch of packages coming in later in the day. These are the most important packages ever, because it's all our stuff from when we lived in China. It's my entire life pre-2018. We opened everything box by box, just soaking in the nostalgia and happiness of having something from the past back. I wasn't sure if we would ever see these things again so I'm so glad it all worked out. I got so many of my notebooks and sketchbooks and more back. It's just worlds upon worlds of things I made up and stories I drew or wrote. I understand that the stuff is less than worthless, but it's special to me. Even got some old diaries, embarrassing... I will post pictures and more of the stuff when I kind of am less overwhelmed.

Tuesday, we were home. It's been very cold this week. Too cold. I finally caught up to the Orb: On the Movements of the Earth episodes I missed. It's amazing, what a sleeper. I wasn't even super into it before the episodes with Oczy and Badeni, when it was finally cemented for me. Woah, what a great anime. I highly recommend it. Also watched the first episode of Sakamoto Days, kind of disappointing. I don't care about the action, because the best part of the manga for me were the gags and the found family drama. The first episode already seems to be pushing the bad gags and skimming over the better stuff. But it's only been one episode so I'm gonna calm down a bit. It's too early to tell but I really wanted this to have Mob Psycho vibes and I just don't think it will be on the same level, not because of the animation even. Also watched the first episode of the Medalist, I forgot what a dick Tsukasa was at first. It has too much of the yelling/intense emotional outbursts that I hate about anime but a lot of the characters are literally kids so it makes sense. 

Wednesday was pretty awesome because our family friend drove us to a nearby town so that we could finally go see the elusive recyclerie that is usually closed. It was super worth it. Huge, cheap as hell, and full of any type of anything. Hear ye, hear ye, gaze upon my findings beneath. And some pictures of the actual place.

It's pretty moldy but there were some finds.

A wall... maybe?

Chairs for everyone.

The friend then took us to the fancy Chinese buffet we went to last time with my Grandma. I felt real bad that Mo couldn't come with us, he loves Chinese and buffets. I actually did not have a soup which I regret a bit but I had so many small dishes and sushi I just couldn't handle a soup.

Yal Wok.

My dessert plate.

I loooove bayberries. And I miss them.

Arm warmers from Kiabi.

 I think I want to make the shoulders open.

Green-grey skirt.

Such a cute bag!

Simona wants to know also.

My CD finds.

I actually haven't seen Marie Antoinette yet.

Totally out of order but cheap.

On Thursday I went to help Mo at his job. We had to paint an entire shipping container and it was a lot of work. In damn cold weather too. The area is pretty cool though, the containers are rented out as small offices for start-ups and small firms. I also met Fabrice who also works there and he's a real nice guy. Mo got us chicken kebab for lunch with some cokes. I have been drinking way too much soda these days, it will be time to cut it out soon. I had to leave a bit early because something dumb came up with the documents but I sorted it out when I came back. 

The cool lounge.

Bus that is a cafe.

Tea time!

On Friday I was home again, took some time to add many of my fave fashion magazines to a list on the Internet Archive. You can check it out here if you like that kind of stuff. As usual we played the Division with Mo and his friend (I should probably use his nickname already since we play games together often, so anyway, he's Rost). We then played Minecraft all together with my sister. I've been thinking I should invite Tom to hang out sometime next week.

On Saturday I got a offer for some few gigs at events to assist 3D printing classes for kids. I agreed but I'm worried that my French sucks too hard. Still, even if nothing is working out with my bank I have to do something... work even these few jobs and stuff. I need to call the guy tomorrow. I also started fixing up my fashion blog because I want to actually post there.

And it's finally Sunday. I spent most of it finishing up my fashion blog, and voila! It's all done. Honestly, I love how it looks. It's very kitschy and fun. And works fine, so good enough for me. Check it out here if you're curious.

Graphic design is my passion.

We finally finished Silent Hill 2 today (mostly played by my brother because I'm a scaredy cat). I also watched the 17th episode of Orb. Stuff is happening. I'm happy being in the flow right now, helping when I'm needed, saying yes to things that come my way. Not taking the losses too hard. Here's the song of the week: Look Like a Mess by Sunday's Best. What an underrated band and album.